For the life of the wheel, Factory Reproductions will replace or repair any wheel found defective in either materials or workmanship. This warranty applies to the original retail purchaser only. This warranty is limited to normal and intended road use only.


Factory Reproductions will repair or replace any wheel that, upon inspection by Factory Reproductions or its authorized agent, is found to be out of round for a period of ten (10) days from date of original retail purchase. Out of round conditions caused by improper installation, accidents, wheel impact, racing or off-road use are specifically excluded.


Factory Reproductions warrants to the original retail purchaser the finish will be free from defects, blemishes and discoloration. Should the finish on a wheel, upon inspection by Factory Reproductions be determined to be defective, Factory Reproductions will repair or replace the wheel, at its sole discretion. This warranty excludes finish defects caused by accidents, wheel impact, racing or off road use, neglect, corrosion, inclement weather, chemicals and the use of caustic, acid or abrasive cleaners.


  1. The wheel(s) have been damaged in transit.
  2. Have been used for other than the intended purpose of normal on road use i.e. racing, competition or off road.
  3. Repairs or alterations performed by other than Factory Reproductions.
  4. Misuse, negligence, accident or wheel impact.
  5. Improper installation or the use of incorrect wheel accessories such as wheel adaptors, spacers and non-approved lug nuts.
  6. Damage due to improper tire mounting procedures or the use of clip-on style wheel weights.
  7. Finish defects caused by negligence, corrosion, inclement weather (road salts etc.), chemicals or the improper use of caustic, acidic and abrasive cleaners.
  8. Tires installed which are larger or smaller than the recommended size for the wheel rim width.
  9. The original retail invoice or sales receipt is not available for verification or upon transfer of title of the product by the original retail purchaser.
  10. Make sure you or your installer test fits the application on your vehicle before mounting the tires.  Wheels cannot be returned once tires have been mounted.

Factory Reproductions’ sole and exclusive obligation under this warranty shall be to repair or replace at our discretion, without charge, any product which, after examination by our company shows that said product has failed in normal use and service due to defects in material and or workmanship.

Factory Reproductions will not be responsible for any damage or loss caused by delays, failure, or any consequential damage arising from any cause whatsoever, nor for labor, transportation, or any other charges incurred in the replacement of a defective product. Product must be returned freight pre-paid to Factory Reproductions at the address listed below.

This is a limited warranty. No warranties or representations, expressed or implied, including implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose which extends beyond the descriptions and limitations of the face hereof and none shall be implied by law. Factory Reproductions neither assumes nor authorizes any dealer, representative, or other person to assume any obligation in connection with Factory Reproductions products uses or applications. Factory Reproductions reserves the right to make changes or improvements in design, materials or specifications or product changes without incurring any obligation to replace, change or improve products manufactured prior hereto.

This warranty does not limit rights, which may be available under individual State Warranty Laws. Please call 888-734-5287 for all warranty claims.

Have a Question?

Feel free to give us a call or email any questions you may have.
