About Us

Not all replicas
are created equally

Factory Reproductions knows that aftermarket replica wheels aren’t your typical custom wheel. We must follow the original standards set by those that designed your vehicle. But we don’t just adhere to these higher standards, we set out to exceed them. For over 25 years we have continued to produce the best quality and widest range of OEM replica wheel applications for our customers, while providing unmatched customer service.

Why Factory Reproductions

Cornerstone in the wheel industry

With deep roots in the automotive and manufacturing industry, we have over 25 years of experience bringing wheels to the market with our customers in mind.

Best in Class Replica Wheels

We not only follow the original standards set by those that designed your vehicle, we set out to exceed them by offering the widest range of applications, sizes and finishes.

Unmatched Customer Service

Our team of highly trained experts has the knowledge and passion to help as we strive to build strong customer relationships.